Tuesday, March 31, 2009

From Breakfast Tacos to Waffles - I moved to Vermont

So I began a new adventure. After 3 months of being unemployed, and being turned down from jobs that I was pretty sure I would get, I decided to say "To hell with it, lets do it" I got a job as a freelance designer in Vermont. I wasn't too sure about the move at first, because it's just not my thing, but hey I have a car to pay, and I have to get my priorities straight, so that's why I went for it. I drove from Texas all the way up to Vermont, it tooks 4 days since we stopped, or maybe 3 I forget. It's 2139 miles. I was getting sick of driving, but it was worth it. I got to see Elvis's house and write my name on his wall. Lets not forget about Kate's dad, he flew down to Texas and helped me drive up. I will post more information along with pictures later, once I figure out this whole blog thing out.

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